Lenovo Z2 Plus How To Instal AEX ROM or any Custom ...

Hi,youcanfreedownloadAPKfileGooglePlay-diensteforyourLenovoZukZ2,apkfileversionis12.6.85(040306-197041431)todownloadtoyourLenovo ...,DownloadGooglePlayservicesforLenovoZukZ2,version:25.02.34(190700-716794385)foryourAndroidZukZ2,filesize:150.03MB,...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Google Play services 12.6.85 (040306

Hi, you can free download APK file Google Play-dienste for your Lenovo Zuk Z2, apk file version is 12.6.85 (040306-197041431) to download to your Lenovo ...

Google Play services for Lenovo Zuk Z2

Download Google Play services for Lenovo Zuk Z2, version: 25.02.34 (190700-716794385) for your Android Zuk Z2, file size: 150.03 MB, was updated 2025/27/01 ...

Theme for Lenovo Z2 Plus

聯想Z2 PLUS 主題. Z2 Plus 主題包含高清聯想壁紙和精美的聯想應用程序圖標,專為手機主題狂熱者設計。想讓您的Android 手機更流暢、更智能嗎?

Theme for Lenovo Z2 Plus

Here's more information the developer has provided about the kinds of data this app may collect and share, and security practices the app may follow.


適用品牌. Lenovo智能手機. 適用系統(機型,機型). Lenovo Z2 Plus. 操作系統. Android 6.0棉花糖. 解. 要訪問Google設置,請參閱以下步驟:. 在主屏幕上觸摸Google

Google Play Errors in LENOVO Zuk Z2 Pro

This is the error which pops up while you are downloading application updates. The solution is well known. You just have to Clear Cache in the Google Play store ...

Google Play Errors in ZUK Z2

Google Play Store Error 403 · Go to Settings · Choose Connetions and tap More networks. Restore ZUK Z2 · Select Mobile Network then APN (Access Point Name).

<已解決>ZUK Z2 在台灣無法更新(第2頁)

官方的包,不用刷gapp,在應用市場直接搜尋google,安裝google設置,play商店等其他你要的.... 要注意的是這裏的日曆同步程式有bug,我是另外找... 但你的官改包我不確定要不要 ...

Easiest way to get GAPPS on new zuk z2?

Easiest way is to install Google play from the stock app store. You must log in or register to reply here ...

Google services at Zuk z2 pro

Google Plays Services has problems on the original ROM. You can use without any problems contacts, play store and also sync but you'll get ...


Hi,youcanfreedownloadAPKfileGooglePlay-diensteforyourLenovoZukZ2,apkfileversionis12.6.85(040306-197041431)todownloadtoyourLenovo ...,DownloadGooglePlayservicesforLenovoZukZ2,version:25.02.34(190700-716794385)foryourAndroidZukZ2,filesize:150.03MB,wasupdated2025/27/01 ...,聯想Z2PLUS主題.Z2Plus主題包含高清聯想壁紙和精美的聯想應用程序圖標,專為手機主題狂熱者設計。想讓您的Android手機更流暢、更智能...